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merriam webster

1 Translation result for attend in Spanish


attend verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
attended, has attended, is attending, attends
asistir a; atender, ocuparse de, cuidar; atender a, hacer caso de; acompañar

Example sentences of
attend verb

  • My husband and I will both attend the banquet.
  • How many people attended the baseball game?
  • He won't be attending the conference.
  • How many people will be attending?
  • She attends a school in the city.
  • He'll be attending the university in the fall.
  • I am the first child in my family to attend college.
  • We attend the same church.
  • Each nurse attends 15 patients.
  • A midwife attended the birth.

Detailed synonyms for attend verb

See: Accompany, Tend
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Reverse translation for attend

atender  - to help, to wait on, to pay attention, to look after, to take care of, to heed, to listen to 
cuidar  - to take care of, to look after, to pay attention to 
acompañar  - to accompany, to go with