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2 Translation results for doom in Spanish

noun | verb

doom noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
sentencia, condena; muerte; destino; perdición, ruina

Example sentences of
doom noun

  • The papers are filled with stories of gloom and doom.
  • This is the story of a mysterious creature who lures travelers to their doom.

Synonyms of
doom noun

Detailed synonyms for doom noun

See: Fate

doom verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
doomed, has doomed, is dooming, dooms

Example sentences of
doom verb

  • A criminal record will doom your chances of becoming a politician.
  • had always felt that he was doomed to remain single forever
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Reverse translation for doom

sentencia  - sentence, judgment, maxim, saying 
condena  - disapproval, condemnation, sentence, conviction 
muerte  - death 
destino  - destiny, fate, destination, use, assignment, post 
perdición  - perdition, damnation 
ruina  - ruin, destruction, downfall, collapse 
condenar  - to condemn, to sentence, to board up, to wall up