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1 Translation result for assert in Spanish


assert verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
asserted, has asserted, is asserting, asserts
afirmar, aseverar, mantener

Example sentences of
assert verb

  • He asserted that there were spies in the government.
  • She asserted her independence from her parents by getting her own apartment.
  • The boss was reluctant to assert his authority over his employees.

Detailed synonyms for assert verb

1. Assert, declare, affirm, protest, avow, argue, claim, insist significan decir o manifestar de forma positiva, normalmente ante una negación u objeción.
  • Assert indica decir con toda seguridad o aun con cierta desfachatez, sin necesidad de pruebas ni consideración de la evidencia <asserted that modern music is just noise>.
    antonyms: deny
  • Declare recalca el decir o manifestar algo abiertamente o públicamente <the jury declared the defendant guilty>.
  • Affirm indica convicción y disposición a atenerse a lo que se ha dicho por motivo de evidencia, experiencia o fe <the church affirms that there is a life after death>.
    antonyms: deny
  • Protest recalca la afirmación, especialmente ante la negación o la duda <protested that he had never signed an agreement>.
  • Avow recalca la declaración franca así como la admisión de responsabilidad personal por lo que se ha declarado <avowed that all investors would be paid in full>.
  • Argue implica el cuestionar la opinión contraria de alguien más <asked for a chance to argue his case>.
  • Claim significa el declarar algo como cierto, frecuentemente a pesar de la sugerencia de que puede no serlo <he claimed he was a distant relative>.
  • Insist connota el afirmar persistentemente <they insist on going>.
2. See: Maintain

Related phrases for assert

Reverse translation for assert

afirmar  - to state, to affirm, to make firm, to strengthen 
aseverar  - to assert, to state 
mantener  - to support, to feed, to keep, to preserve, to keep up, to sustain, to maintain, to affirm 
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