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1 Translation result for injustice in Spanish


injustice noun

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
injustice noun

  • The organization is devoted to fighting economic injustice.
  • The law is part of an effort to correct an old injustice.

Synonyms of
injustice noun

Detailed synonyms for injustice noun

Injustice, wrong, grievance, outrage significan un acto que inflige daño, pérdida o dificultad inmerecida a una persona.
  • Injustice, wrong se aplican a cualquier acto que supone una inequidad hacia otra persona o una violación de sus derechos <the kinds of injustices that are usually inflicted on the poor> <the wrongs he claimed to have suffered>.
  • Grievance se aplica a toda circunstancia o condición que, según la persona afectada, constituye una injusticia o motivo de queja <employee grievances against the company>.
  • Outrage aplica a un acto que viola los estándares aceptados de comportamiento o gusto <called the proposed law an outrage against the Constitution>.

Reverse translation for injustice

injusticia  - injustice, unfairness 
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